2021 FBRP Juried Photography and Art Exhibition Entry

9/1/2021 ends at 11:59 PM ET

2018 First Place Photography – Brian Collins, Morning Fog at Black Run



Show Off Your Best Photos & Artwork of Black Run Preserve!


The Friends of Black Run Preserve (FBRP) are pleased to announce the Black Run Preserve 2021 Juried Photography and Art Exhibition designed to illustrate and promote the unique and serene beauty of this precious portion of the New Jersey Pinelands. Photographs created within the boundaries of Black Run Preserve, depicting its landscape, flora, wildlife, and visitors will be accepted, as well as 2-Dimensional artworks in any medium that are either based on photographs of the Black Run Preserve or inspired by visits to Black Run. The exhibit will hang in the Center for the Arts of Southern New Jersey in Marlton, NJ from October 4-28.

2018 First Place Artwork – Catherine Kuzma, Autumn Path


More than $500 in cash prizes will be awarded.


$35 for up to 4 works (When registering, please indicate quantity as 1. That will cover all 4 photos and/or pieces of art.)
Payment to be made online prior to submitting images. Entry is not complete until paid in full.
Entry is open to individuals 18 years of age or older.


Each participant may submit up to 4 photographs or works of art. Email digital files as attachments following the specifications below to: entries@blackrun.org. Each image file must be labeled with your name and image title. Example of the image file name: Joe Smith_Frog in the Bog. The body (message) of the email must include: artist name, artist mailing address, artist telephone number, title of the images submitted and selling price of your work. Please keep in mind this is a fundraiser and Black Run Preserve will retain 30% commission on all sales.

We recommend that digital image files be submitted in the following format. If you have no idea what this all means, don't sweat it. Just send the highest quality images you can and we'll let you know if there's a problem and help you correct it.

  • Jpeg format
  • Minimum of 1400 pixels on longest side
  • High quality screen resolution
  • sRGB color profile
  • File not to exceed 4MB.
  • All artwork needs to be photographed (a phone image is acceptable for artwork) to be submitted to the show.


Successful entrants will be notified via email by September 7.  All accepted work must be framed in a professional manner; wired and ready for hanging. The wire must be securely fastened to the actual frame, not the backing. No clip frames are allowed. The accepted work may not be larger than 36’’ horizontal or vertical. Images may be color or monochrome. Image tags must be attached to the back of the artwork, on the upper right corner. The organizers of the exhibition will have the right to disqualify an image based on the quality of the print, frame, or mat.

Awards will be given in separate categories for photography and artwork.


All photographers and artists retain all copyrights to their images. The Friends of the Black Run Preserve reserve the right to use your images with credit, for the purpose of promoting the exhibition and for the promotion of the Black Run Preserve in print or on social media without financial compensation.


By entering this competition, the entrant agrees to hold harmless the FBRP, CFASNJ, all agents, officers, and volunteers from any claims of damage or loss that might occur to the art submitted for this exhibition.


Call for Entries Ends:           September 1, midnight
Acceptance Notification:      September 7
Delivery of Accepted Work: September 28, 10am - 3pm and September 29, 10am-3pm, 7-9pm
Exhibition Open:                  October 4-28
Artist Reception and Awards Ceremony: October 15, 7-9 pm
Center for the Arts in Southern New Jersey
123 S. Elmwood Road, Marlton, NJ
Pick up Unsold Work:           October 29, 10am-5pm


Photography: Rich Lewis
Photographer and Educator

"My love for photography started in 1973 when I met my wife and her 35mm camera. Ever since then I’ve been involved with photography both as a fine art and professional photographer.

 My mother owned an art gallery in New Hope, Pennsylvania in the 1960’s and 70’s so my earliest exposure to art came from painters. My biggest influences are the great American landscape painters, especially the Hudson River School and Andrew Wyeth. As a result, I call my photographic style “Painting with a Camera” which involves equal amounts of time in both creating and editing photographs.

While I love to photograph the American landscape, no place is more special to me than the New Jersey Pinelands. The unique beauty hidden in these pine trees and tea colored water is a treasure and a landscape that I especially love to explore, photograph and share.”

Learn more about Richard and view his work at RichardLewisPhotography.com
Artwork: John Giannotti
John Giannotti is Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University where he chaired the Fine Arts department and International Studies Program. He has exhibited his paintings and  sculptures world-wide including St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, and the Galleria Cimabue in Florence. His monumental bronze sculptures and other works are in public and private collections in the U.S., Italy, Switzerland, Venezuela, Australia, and Japan, where his bronze monuments of Walt Whitman and Madame Curie stand in sculpture parks at Soka University in Tokyo. His 8' bronze of Whitman with Butterfly is in the permanent collection of the Walt Whitman Birthplace Museum in Huntington, New York. Many of his works can be seen in the Delaware Valley including the bronze dinosaur in Haddonfield, the bronze owl monument at Temple University, and the Monokefalos Bronze, Valley Forge, among many others. In 2002, he designed the Victims of Terrorism Memorial in Pennsauken. John currently owns and operates Giannotti Studios specializing in public art commissions in painting, sculpture and graphics.


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