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Next Meeting of the Trails Committee – January 7, 2014

January 7th @ 7:00 Black Run Trail Crew will meet to plan for trail maintenance work sessions starting early in the new year.  Volunteers are welcome!

Meeting Location:  REI store on Route 73 in Marlton

November 19, 7:00 p.m. at REI in Marlton

August 27th, 7:00 p.m. at the REI Store in Marlton

As the Friends of Black Run Preserve prepare for the October Visioning Event and trail construction this coming winter, we are now initiating a Trails Committee.  We at FBRP are happy to welcome Jay Jones, a member of the Cherry Hill Environmental Board and manager of the Cherry Hill Trail Crew.  Jay has extensive background in designing, building and maintaining soft-surface and multi-use trails.

If you are interested being part of the critically important FBRP Trails Committee, please join us on Tuesday, August 27th, at 7:00pm @ the REI store in Marlton on Route 73.  During this meeting Jay will provide an overview of trail work and design basics.

Michael Isham

FBRP Secretary

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