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Friends of the Black Run Preserve is the steward of the preserve.  It is public open space owned by Evesham Township. FBRP is pleased the Township has kept the preserve open to the community during this challenging time.  FBRP has no control in determining access to the preserve, that decision is made solely by government officials. The public’s need for outdoor recreational opportunities to help maintain physical, emotional, and mental health is plain to see by the constant flow of visitors to the Black Run Preserve.

FBRP ask visitors to safely access the preserve, practice social distancing, and not littering.  Litter can spread disease. Let’s be mindful of one another and this special environment so it can continue to be a positive place to share. America needs peaceful places, especially now.

Please do your part to keep the BRP safe for all. FBRP hope you recognize the thousands of hours volunteers have worked over the years to create BRP’s trails and infrastructure.  Please support us by becoming a member today. If government officials inform FBRP the preserve is closed we will post that information.

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