| Nature

What is Visioning?

 By John Volpa, FBRP Chair

 This visioning event is a democratic process in which people have the power to influence and suggest how to best safely utilize local open space for the greatest positive uses by many local residents.  The Friends of the Black Run Preserve hope to develop a practical long-range Master Plan for the Preserve.  One that will enable us to prioritize tasks and plan a course of action that will be the most cost effective.

The Friends of the Black Run Preserve held a public Visioning Event at Evan’s Elementary School on Wednesday, October 23, 2013.  The event included the following activities:

  • Attendees were asked to sit at tables in groups of four to eight to facilitate small group discussion.
  • An overview of the Black Run Preserve and its ecological importance as a Pine Barrens watershed was provided.
  • Dr. Jeremy Wimpey, from Applied Trails Research, presented a “Sustainable Trails Primer”- concepts/terminology, trail products, and systems design.
  • Each small group discussed their thoughts on the Preserve and used the maps, sticky notes, pens/pencils, to express and identify their ideas.  A recorder/spokesperson was chosen to present each group’s ideas.
  • Dr. Wimpey facilitated large group discussion and integration of ideas.

The next day, several Friends of the Black Run Preserve Trustees met with Dr. Wimpey and  a representative of the Pinelands Commission to establish how best to accomplish our goals within the confines of Pinelands rules and regulations and to begin to develop a Master Plan.  The concept plan will be presented at a public meeting in early February.

The FBRP look forward to your positive participation in this community process.

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