| Nature

On October 1st, John Volpa and the Friends of the Black Run Preserve presented the Concept Plan for the preserve to Evesham Township officials and more than 60 members of the public who are interested in the future of the preserve.  The Concept Plan grew out of the Visioning Event held in October 2013 and provides a framework for creating safe trailheads and parking, additional trails, and better signage for those who want to enjoy the preserve for hiking, bicycling, bird-watching, trail running and other outdoor activities.  A copy of the Concept Plan and Appendices are attached here.  Let us know what you think!

Concept Plan Report


Appendix A Trailhead_Kettle Run Road

Appendix A Trailhead_Bortons Rd

Appendix B_Current Trail System_Topo

Appendix B Current Trail System_Aerialphoto

Appendix B_Conceptual Trail System_Topo

Appendix C_Concept Plan Zones

Appendix C_Concept Plan Zones_Aerial

Appendix D_Inventoried Wetlands Map

Appendix D_Inventoried Wetland Buffer

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