| Nature

Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) announced today its grant award of $10,000 to Friends of Black Run Preserve (FBRP) of Evesham Township, New Jersey.  REI is a privately held American retail cooperative, selling outdoor recreation gear, sporting goods, and clothing.

Responding to the REI announcement, John Volpa, FBRP Founder and Chair, stated that the funds would allow International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) Trail Solutions Inc. to design and develop a network of sustainable hiking and mountain biking trails.  The Grant funds will also enable, with EveshamTownship and the regional community, development of a Master Plan for long-term and multi-use improvements.

According to Mr. Volpa, the REI Grant will serve as a springboard that will lead to needed infrastructure improvements to the Preserve, including parking lots, informational signage, and barricades to stop illegal motorized vehicles.

Black Run Preserve is a 1,300 acre open-space owned by the Citizens of Evesham Township.  The Preserve includes several former cranberry bogs and ponds with great potential for passive recreational uses such as bird watching, geocaching, hiking, and mountain biking.

The Friends of Black Run Preserve was organized in May 2012, under the guidance of Pinelands Preservation Alliance (PPA).  The mission of the Friends of Black Run Preserve is to preserve and protect the unique natural beauty and Pine Barrens ecology of the Black Run Preserve for the benefit of all citizens.  The FBRP has submitted its application for 501 (c) (3) status as a non-profit organization.

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