| Nature

July 24, 2014

Dear Friends of the Black Run Preserve,

Greetings. We need your help.  Volunteers with a variety of skill sets and experience are needed as we extend our outreach into the local and regional communities.

FBRP will conduct a general meeting on Tuesday, August 26th, at the Marlton REI @ 7:00 pm.  We’ll be forming new committees: fundraising, grant writing, outreach, etc.  Your input and ideas are most welcome.

Utilizing our REI Community Grant, the Trail Crew will be expanding its activities based upon the recommendations in the Concept Plan.  If you want to be part of the Trail Crew (Joe Michiels, Chair), the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 5th @ 7:00pm at John Volpa’s house.  Please RSVP at johnvolpa@verizon.net using the subject line Trail Crew.  Directions and agenda will be sent to you.

Also, please mark your calendar!  FBRP will present the Concept Plan to Township Staff and, hopefully two Council members on Wednesday, October 1st, at 7:00 pm in the Township Municipal Building courtroom.  We need you in the audience.

Thank you for your help and support.


John Volpa, FBRP Chair

P.S. Perhaps you’ve seen the new kiosk by the Black Trail; a local Eagle Scout candidate made it.  It will have new signage on it soon!

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