| Nature

With only two days notice, FBRP Chair, John Volpa, was notified by the Township Manager the FBRP’s concept plan presentation was removed from Tuesday’s Council meeting agenda. If you still want to show your support for the Black Run Preserve, FBRP will be selling tee shirts in the courtroom lobby ($15) and attending the meeting. John will speak during the last public open session (limit five minutes).

Based on public input at the Visioning Event last fall, the Friends of Black Run Preserve have developed a Concept Plan that will be presented at the Evesham Township Council meeting on May 27th.  The meeting is open to the public.  

When:  Tuesday, May 27 at 4 p.m.

Where:  Evesham Township municipal building courtroom on Tuckerton Road

Learn more by reading this article from the Central Record:

Central Record Article May 23 2014

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