| Nature

The Black Run Preserve: Evesham’s Gateway to the Pinelands

June 1, 2013

Dear Community Members,

Thank you for joining the Friends of the Black Run Preserve (FBRP) in today’s National Trails Day Event.  We hope you’ll return to the Black Run Preserve with your family and friends often and during all seasons, for each offers a unique perspective.

As an educator, I’ve witnessed the positive impact of Nature and the empowerment it can inspire among children.   It has been my experience families that share real time and space in the outdoors: walking, talking, listening, and seeing, develop deeper bonds and stronger relationships.  Research about the science of happiness has identified “having real relationships” as one facet of happiness.  Medical science listed walking regularly as one of the best, easiest, and least expensive ways to maintain good health.

The Black Run Preserve is your open space in the northwest corner of the Pinelands National Reserve.  It’s common ground for all people to share peacefully and demonstrate good stewardship.  Visit again and take a step toward your personal pursuit of happiness.  Bring a friend.  The FBRP are sure you’ll see many opportunities and possibilities to enhance the Preserve along the way.

We are pleased to announce we were recently awarded a $10,000 REI, Inc. Community Grant.  Some of the grant money will be used for a Community Visioning Event in the fall.  You will be invited to attend this event in order to provide your ideas and suggestions for infrastructure and more trails within the Preserve.  The product of the Visioning Event will be the development of a Master Concept Plan and Map for the Preserve.  This document will provide a template for future plans within the Preserve including the next set of trails to be designed and constructed in early spring 2014.

Of course the need for parking lots and bathrooms is obvious.  Through our partnership with Evesham Township we’ve begun working toward the permitting process and planning with the Pinelands Commission.  But, there is so much more that can add greater value to the Preserve, that’s why we’ll be asking for your suggestions this fall.

In the meantime, hike, walk your dog, mountain bike, take photographs, spy some wildlife, and enjoy the Black Run Preserve.  Also, please consider joining the FBRP and/or making a donation.

Be safe.  Have fun.


John Volpa
FBRP Chair

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