On Saturday, May 16th, 62 AWESOME volunteers came out to participate in a joint clean-up of Black Run Preserve with the help of Evesham Public Works and the Clean Communities Program!

With the help of our volunteers, the Clean Communities Program, and the Evesham Township Public Works Department, there were SIX TRUCKLOADS of trash, pallets, tires, concrete, and construction debris hauled out of the Preserve. The Preserve’s natural beauty is much more enhanced through our volunteers efforts, the Clean Communities Program and to the Evesham Township Public Works Department.

On behalf of the Friends of Black Run Preserve, a HUGE “THANK YOU!” to each and every one of you who spent your time and energy to help.  Our members share your caring and are working to improve the Black Run Preserve so it’s protected not just preserved land.

Get Involved – We Need Volunteers on June 14th

If you’d like to volunteer, go to: http://blackrun.org/volunteering/ or sign-up for our next volunteering event which is on June 14th at the Burlington County Earth Fair. Go to the sign-up form: http://goo.gl/forms/fZ8QsYznVH


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