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Screen Shot 2015-11-02 at 12.00.56 PMREI has been one of Friends of the Black Run Preserve’s biggest supporters from the beginning. They are dedicated to embracing the outdoors and spending life being active.

 They just announced that all 143 stores will be CLOSED on Black Friday, one of the biggest retail shopping days of the year.  This move makes their dedication to the outdoors clear.

REI is so dedicated to the outdoor life that they are PAYING their employees to take the day off and enjoy the outdoors.  They are standing true to their mission with their #OptOutside campaign and are using Black Friday as a perfect day to remind people of the outdoors and to help everyone rediscover their passion for the great outdoors.
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Great job REI! We couldn’t be more proud of one of our biggest supporters for standing strong behind your mission of “a life lived outdoors is a life well lived.”

We hope to see you all at Black Run Preserve!


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