These are difficult times we are living through and uncertainly is one of the issues we are all dealing with. When we first planned this event no one dreamed that a dangerous pandemic was ahead of us. And when it became a stark reality, we had no idea that it would last as long as it has. Once again, we find ourselves having to make the decision to put the safety of our community above our desire to show off the beauty of the Black Run Preserve. To that end, we are postponing the exhibition until the Spring and extending the submission deadline accordingly. It is our sincere hope that at that time we will be able to display the exhibition in the gallery setting that it deserves and ensure that artists and visitors can gather safely to enjoy it.

The upside of this is that everyone will have more opportunities to explore the BRP as it expresses its beauty through the upcoming seasons. And with this comes the opportunity for additional expression of your own. If you have not yet entered, don’t miss out! You can find the entry form and all details, including a new timeline, here.

The trails are open to those seeking peace and inspiration. Until we hear otherwise, it is essential that you wear a face mask, follow social distancing guidelines, and take extra care when you encounter others on the grounds or parking lots.

Once again, thank you for your continued support and understanding. Stay safe and well.

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